The Ideas of Theory

We believe that to live healthily and get affordable yet accurate healthy access is a human right.

With the spirit that we believe, the medical ratio therapy present as a bridge to bridging a gap between long procedures to diagnose and disease treatment.

Therefore, we create a modern medical innovation using the latest technology system that will be able to diagnose and treat chronic diseases through our unique algorithm and medical equations to identify issues based on laboratory analysis indicators.

Our Vision

The medical ratio theory is to provide an easy and workable mathematical explanation of accurate diagnosis and diseases itself, also contributes to the treatment of rapid and effectively treated diseases.

Shadi Alamayreh

Algorithm expert

Mohammad Al-Sabah

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Dr. David Ribas
Technical Team

Molecular biologist

What We Do

Processing Speed

Rapid diagnosis of autism patients and the creation of the best patient prescriptions to give the best results and predict future patient conditions.

Innovative Solutions

Innovative medical engineering solutions to diagnose and treat autism and accuracy inpatient data analysis, and support diagnostic and treatment management at global autism centres.

Facilitating Transactions

Significantly reduce the cost of diagnosing the patient, the theory is more effective in diagnosing the disease and the volume of missing cases will be reduced missed-diagnosis.

Service Channels

Develop a technical algorithm medical system in addition to developing a website and providing an advanced cloud-based treatment and diagnosis system, used by smartphone and computer devices.


Utilized comprehensive health database for all patient cases, as well as individual health tracking indicators.


The theory focuses only on the use of one-tone biochemistry to diagnose diseases.


The diagnosis of diseases is related to physiological status and can be defined to look at health status.


By using relative theory and knowing the right results, chronic disease can be quickly cured.

Blood Sample

The blood sample is taken from the individual and the result of the 10 blood indicators reading, and then the statistical numbers are entered in the theory system and initiate the diagnosis.

Mathematical Relationships

Analysed mathematical equations based on blood indicators as rapid diagnosis, without interfering with physiological conditions.

Theory Result

These two-tenth outcomes are indicative of a particular way, and with some promising results and focusing concerning disease that appears.

The Rapid Processing

Explaining drug-related phenomena and lifestyle, which transforms chronic diseases into ordinary diseases that can be treated in short term.

How it Works

Algorithms and Equations Intervention

H Software

The medical system of theory is obtained through the comprehensive portal of the modern medical school, after the payment process, the system becomes ready to load.

Smart App

Provide a smart app for Android and iOS to all service providers that operate on smartphones or smart devices and with the same features as the system for easy technical transactions.


Providing in-system simulations, the robot will help customers to create an easy experience with the use of new follow-up technologies and hear their queries.